Upcoming: Art on buses of Oulu Regional Transport (OSL)


HOPEFUL PASSENGER – a participatory dance performance is looking for interviewees who use Oulu Regional Transport buses as part of their daily lives.

We are looking for people who would like to share their everyday bus journey with us. The interviews are part of the background research for a participatory dance performance in August.

Hopeful Passenger – participatory dance performance will be presented at the end of August 2024 as part of TOIVOTUN TULEVAISUUDEN KAUPUNKI project.



The interview can be scheduled as part of your daily commute or we can arrange a separate interview time. During the trip, we will interview you about your everyday bus travel and reflect on what your future Oulu could be like.

Contact us by 31.7.2024


Please note that if the interview will take place on the bus, you must have a valid ticket.

More information about Hopeful Passenger at todellisuus.fi.